DUI and Traffic Offenses

web_2Everyone can make a poor life choice at the wrong time. Our firm is here to support and assist you in making sure that one or several poor choices doesn’t prevent you from getting your life back on track.

If you have been charged with a traffic crime including Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence, we are here to represent you from the time of your arrest until your plea agreement or trial. We will make sure that you are afforded all of your constitutional rights in this process and that you are given a fair hearing.

We also provide representation for other crimes in regional County Municipal Courts.

“What started out as one poor decision added up real quick. Over a period of years, I had lost my license and compiled numerous drivers’ license suspensions. My attorney at  Davitz and Rieser took care of my Ohio Department of Motor Vehicles and Court problems and got my license cleared and driving privileges back.”

David, Grove City


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